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DESCRIPTION: This is it – our first-ever mailbag episode! That’s right, we’re tearing into listener questions from as far away and exotic as the UK, Australia, the Netherlands, even Canada! We also discuss “Mission: Impossible” as it relates to the 007 franchise, whether or not Ethan will go into space in parts 7 and 8, and what we can glean about the sequels from Christopher McQuarrie’s Instagram account. Released May 3rd, 2019.

SHOW NOTES: As mentioned in the episode, a video artist from Toronto named Daniel Goodbaum created a version of “Mission: Impossible - Fallout” with all the dialogue removed. Unfortunately, the video has been removed from Vimeo so you can no longer watch it.

Also discussed in the episode, Iain Russell sent us these photos. Can you tell us which Mission: Impossible movies used these locations? Click on any picture to enlarge...

As discussed in the episode, here is Grahame Parsons’ collection of M:I memorabilia. Click on any image to enlarge...