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DESCRIPTION: This week on Light the Wick (yes it’s still going on, just deal with it!), we talk to “John Wick” visual effects supervisor Rob Nederhorst about what it was like working his invisible magic on the franchise – we learn about squib hits, the difference between violence and gore, and the shot that they had to tone down because it was a little “too much.” Content warning: explicit descriptions of fake muzzle flashes. Released April 9th, 2021.

SHOW NOTES: Here are some behind the scenes images of the filming of the bike chase in “John Wick: Chapter 3” with green screen...

Here’s a video breaking down the VFX in that sequence...

Check out the scene from the movie “The Villainess” that inspired the bike chase...

And here’s a VFX breakdown of the knife fight with computer generated glass and knives, plus John Wick’s fall at the end of the movie...

As discussed in this episode, both the “Mission: Impossible” and “John Wick” franchises have amazing knife-in-the-eye moments! Of course, John Wick’s version is much more graphic...

And here’s a clip of the most famous knife-in-the-eye moment (also very graphic), from Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí’s “Un Chien Andalou” (1929)...
