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DESCRIPTION: We are thrilled to be chatting with David Dozoretz, a pre-visualization pioneer whose work on the first “Mission: Impossible” changed the way blockbuster movies are made. He came back for the third movie, and talks about working with JJ Abrams on the windmill sequence, and returned again for "Ghost Protocol" (he worked on the snowmobile chase). Dozoretz also unleashes one of the biggest bombshells we’ve ever heard about "Ghost Protocol." You don’t want to miss it! Released December 25th, 2020.

SHOW NOTES: Just as David described in the interview, here is the beach in India that was originally planned as the setting for the climax of “Ghost Protocol”...

And here are Dan Sweetman’s storyboards for the snowmobile chase that was originally planned as the opening sequence of “Ghost Protocol.” Become a Patreon supporter so you can listen to our bonus episode that breaks down these storyboards...

As we mentioned in the episode, here’s the Instagram video that shows the padding added to the side of the building for the London foot chase in “Fallout”...